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Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety Policy Statement

In accordance with the regulations detailed under the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1992 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Faversham Rugby Union Football Club (FRUFC for future reference) is making a positive commitment to achieving the highest standards of health, safety and welfare for all of those who may be affected by the activities of its operations. 


It is the duty of every individual under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to take reasonable care for their own safety and the safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

As a result all individuals are actively encouraged by FRUFC to communicate any health and safety matters, which may affect themselves or others.

FRUFC as a Rugby Club will as far as reasonably practicable also meets its statutory obligations in the maintenance and provision of the following.
• Risk assessment activities

• Effective lines of communication for all those affected by the operating practices for  FRUFC.

• Regular monitoring and review of all health and safety practices

• Safe equipment and safe systems of work in their operation

• Regular servicing and checking of all machinery and equipment.

• Safe arrangements for use, handling, storage and transportation of all equipment, materials and substances for use at work.

• Adequate facilities and arrangements with regard to welfare

This club is strongly committed to encouraging our members to train hard and compete, but the health, wellbeing and safety of each individual is always our paramount concern.

Processes and Procedures


The Executive Committee of Faversham Rugby Union Football Club will be responsible or the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy in accordance with the responsibilities prescribed by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Act 1992.


Risk Assessment

As part of our on-going responsibilities, we will carry out regular risk assessments to ensure that all potential risks are identified and subsequently controlled.

• This will be in accordance with the following:

• the identification of all potential risks

• evaluation of the adequacy of existing health and safety measures

• implementation of action in areas of deficiency

• regular review




To carry out risk assessment correctly and appropriately all staff employed at FRUFC will undertake risk assessment training generally and specifically in relation to:

• Manual handling and lifting techniques

• Fire Prevention

• Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSH1994)


In addition, all players will be subject to periodic simulated fire and bomb alert procedures. This will ensure that all parties are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the event of such an occurrence.
This will be implemented in accordance with the following:

• when working practices change

• when job roles change

• when new equipment/technology is introduced


Health and Safety Representative

A nominated member of FRUFC staff will be responsible for overall health and safety in the workplace. They will be the point of contact for anyone as detailed in 1.0 who identifies a potential health and safety risk or any area where there may be cause for concern.


Safe equipment and systems for their use in operation

As part of their responsibilities, the Health and Safety Representative will carry out regular inspections to the FRUFC Club premises against a Specified checklist, which will include items such as access and egress, fixtures etc.

Any irregularities or concerns will then be reported to the Health and Safety representative.

Regular servicing and checking of machinery will be carried out by those who installed the equipment and against their own operating guidelines. The Health and Safety Representative will have a copy of servicing intervals and will monitor these for action.


Monitoring and Review

The Health and Safety Policy will be monitored by regular inspections of areas by the Health and Safety Representative. Health and Safety Policy and Procedures will be reviewed by the Health and Safety representative on an annual basis. Any changes to the Health and Safety Policy will be brought to the attention of all parties.

Communicating the Health and Safety Policy

Players, spectators and visitors Players, spectators and visitors will be provided with appropriate information on health and safety risks via the Health and Safety Policy, which will be displayed in a prominent place.



Contractors will be assessed against their ability to undertake specified tasks safely by interview and inspection of their own health and safety policy. Contractors will have the requirements of FRUFC’s own health and safety policies incorporated into contractor agreements.

General Health and Safety Procedures

Fire and Bomb Alert Procedures

The following fire procedures should be adhered to by all parties:


1. Administrative staff will establish location of the fire

2. Telephone the Fire Brigade by dialling 999

3. Upon answering by the operator, give them your telephone number:
Telephone: 07756 537064 and ask for FIRE

4. Upon request by the operator, give the address of FRUFC clearly and audibly-

Faversham Rugby Union Football Club

5. Identify exact location of fire and wait for the operator to repeat the address before replacing receiver.

1. Leave the building immediately by the nearest available exit point

2. The Health and Safety Representative or senior member of staff will then check all areas of the building to make sure that everyone has been evacuated.

3. On leaving the building, where safe to do so, windows and doors should be closed.

3. All instructions will be relayed by loud hailer
• In the event of a fire drill only b) will apply



The same evacuation procedure will apply as for the fire alert, with the exception that individuals will be required to move as far away from the building as possible in the event of an explosion.


Emergency Access and Egress procedures

In the event of an emergency and an ambulance being required, it is the responsibility of the individual Team Captain or Vice-Captain to ensure that an adult is sent to the Club main gate recreation ground main gate to direct the driver to the appropriate pitch.

A nominated member of FRUFC will be responsible for ensuring that cones are placed each week to ensure that adequate access is available pitches.

FRUFC will ensure that appropriate signs are placed Adjacent to the pitch to ensure adequate access.


First Aid




FRUFC will provide sufficiently qualified first aid personnel with the appropriate resources to enable first aid to be administered.


Reporting Accidents

It is the FRUFC policy that all accidents which conform to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR 95) are reported on the accident record book. FRUFC Accident book is located behind the bar. An accident book will also be completed for every accident involving personal injury.



It is the duty of FRUFC to report any occupational disease to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).


Health & Safety Policy
To support our Health & Safety policy statement as on page two we are committed to the following duties;
a. Undertake regular, recorded risk assessments of the club premises and all activities undertaken by the club;
b. Create a safe environment by putting health & safety measures in place as identified by the assessments;
c. Ensure that all members are given the appropriate level of training and competition by
regularly assessing individual ability dependant on age, maturity and development;
d. Ensure that all members are aware of, understand and follow the club’s health & safety policy;
e. Appoint a competent club member to assist with health and safety responsibilities;
f. Ensure that normal operating procedures and emergency operating procedures are in place and known by all members;
g. Provide access to adequate first aid facilities, telephone and qualified first aider at all times;
h. Report any injuries or accidents sustained during any club activity or whilst on the club premises;
i. Ensure that the implementation of the policy is reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness.


As a club member, you have a duty to;

1. Take reasonable care for your own health & safety and that of others who may be affected by
what you do or not do;
2. Co‐operate with the club on health & safety issues;
3. Correctly use all equipment provided by the club;
4. Not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.


Club Health & Safety Information




Billy Egleton, Dave Suter, Tracey Hamilton, Ross Chipperton


Changing rooms, in The Pavilion at the Recreation Ground.


Behind the bar.


Behind the bar.


FRUFC, in line with its Health and Safety Statement, recognizes the need to undertake regular Risk Assessments in the following areas;





The Club;
a. Ensures the building fabric is in a good state of repair;
b. Undertakes a regular maintenance inspection programme;
c. Ensures all the emergency exits are clearly signed and emergency lighting provided if required
by the inspecting authority;
d. Ensures rooms are labelled with clear, bold signage to members of the public;
e. Ensures prohibited or potentially dangerous areas are clearly marked;
f. Has identified any potential trip hazards (e.g. kit bags in the bar);
g. Ensures maximum security of valuables in changing rooms;
h. Ensures all changing rooms are free form hazard and are maintained in a healthy manner;
i. Ensures there a provision for secure storage of bar stock.


The Club identified two potential hazardous substances, as follows;
1. Calor Gas,
2. Bar cleaning materials.
As such, The Club has;
a. Assessed the risks to health created by hazardous substances;
b. Determined control measures to prevent or control exposure to hazardous substances;
c. Ensured control measures are both implemented and working in practice;
d. Provided information and instruction to relevant personnel;
e. Provided protective equipment where necessary;
f. Ensured relevant people wear any necessary protective equipment.


In considering the issue of equipment used by the club it has to be recognized that the local council is responsible for all pitch maintenance as such the club has no responsibility for the equipment used to maintain the grounds.
The Club has considered equipment that is our responsibility, this includes;
1. Contact equipment to include all pads and suits;
2. Scrummage machines;
3. Post Protectors.
In line with safety procedures, the Club ensures that;
a. All contact suits and pads are examined to ensure that they offer no risk to players using them.
At the end of each season an audit is undertaken and all suits and pads not reaching the necessary standard are disposed off
b. Each scrummage machine has an annual service to check it is fully functional. All coaches ensure that the machine is in safe working order before use and only coaches trained in the use of the machine will use them


The Club recognizes its duty of care to all who visit the club. The Club is regularly hired out to external uses and for festivals and as such, through a safety audit, the Club has ensured the following;
a. There is adequate information signage;
b. The condition and repair of any roads, car parks or access paths and the management of traffic to and from the site is suitable;
c. The facilities to be used are safe and free from defect;
d. The facilities are suitable for use for all persons likely to need to use them, children, disabled persons etc.
e. The fire escape area is a potential hazard for young people and steps are taken to reduce the risk.


When the premises are used in hours of darkness, (evening or winter events), the Club will ensure the following;
a. The lighting is adequate and well maintained;
b. There is standby provision for power through emergency lighting and a basic hand held light.


Before each event the Club considers;
a. Crowd management (including communication in the event of an emergency and any public disorder control issues);
b. If there are clear directions as to where spectators may stand (distance from the touchline or
any identified hazards such as machinery on site) where appropriate?
c. What first aid provision and insurance there is in place?
d. Is there adequate Ambulance access?
e. Will the event incur a charge for police services, i.e. traffic control outside the venue or signage costs from local highways department?
f. How cash taken at the gate or over the bar is safely stored or transferred from the ground?
g. Are necessary procedures in place to deal with sanitation and waste management?


When the premises are to be used for events other than the playing of rugby the Club considers the following:
a. Are the premises suitable for the event or function?
b. Are likely attendees suitable for the premises?
c. Is the staff competent to provide and service the function?
d. Does the event need a separate license or insurance?
e. Does the event or function need a separate risk assessment?
f. If an external company is coming onto our premises can they produce their method statement, risk assessments, copies of their insurance cover and is it adequate?
g. Will the event or function enhance or damage the club’s standing in the community (e.g. could
there be late night noise issues or disturbance to residents)?
h. Are there special circumstances relating to the event to which necessitate informing the emergency services or local authority?
i. If security staff is needed, they are suitably trained and experienced?


The Club is conscious that as from the 1st October 2006, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 places the responsibility for maintaining premises safe from fire upon the owner or responsible person. The Club recognizes its responsibility for;
a. Considering who is at risk, reducing risk to its lowest level and controlling any remaining risk;
b. Maintaining and signposting escape routes (including the provision for disabled people);
c. Providing and maintaining means of warning in case of fire and for fighting fire;
d. Creating a management plan to deal with emergencies;
e. Conducting and recording staff training.


The Club has recognized the need to ensure that;
a. Flammable spirits are not mixed with other combustible items, (paper/rags);
b. When cooking is conducted on the premises experienced people are used;
c. All electrical appliances are correctly tested, maintained and are not overloading electrical outlets;
d. At the end of each event/games any unwanted electrical items are switched off;
e. A suitable fire alarm system is installed and it is checked and maintained regularly;
f. Suitable types of fire extinguisher are installed in correct locations; they are maintained and the club staff knows where they are and how to use them.


The Club recognizes that arson is now the major cause of fire in commercial premises. To help prevent illegal entry into the premises the Club ensures that;
a. The alarm is always set;
b. Refuse containers are away from the buildings and there is a programmed refuse collection to
reduce the amount of accessible flammable material;
c. A dedicated person is always responsible for conducting the final check before premises are secure.


The Club recognizes the need to ensure that players are playing and training in a safe environment. As
such, the Club takes the following measures to ensure the maximum safety of all players and coaches;
a. All coaches are supported and encouraged to undertake a relevant RFU award;
b. All coaches and other adults are supported and encouraged to undertake a First Aid Award;
c. The Club supports referees and potential referees to attend relevant courses;
d. The Club runs internal in‐service sessions for all coaches to ensure they are up to date with current practice;
e. The Club has a Child Protection Policy and a designated Child Protection Officer;
f. All relevant people undertake an Enhanced CRB Disclosure.


In considering the issue of security, the Club has taken into account the day‐to‐day usage of the Club and the degree of security required for our premises. In putting into place our security measures, we have taken into account the fact that, by the very nature of a rugby club, it is very difficult to account for every person on the premises at any one time. The club operates the following security measures;
a. Having business callers attend by prearranged appointment only;
b. Providing secure changing facilities for players with valuables;
c. An alarm system linked to a central alarm control;
d. Secure system for storing cash;
e. Adequate lighting, which can be actuated on detection of movement;
f. Noise activated detection.




There are occasions when certain volunteers e.g. bar staff work alone on the Club premises. The danger of them being taken ill or suffering an accident whilst alone is an additional hazard that has been considered. The following procedures are in place to minimize the risk;
a. Lone worker to phone a designated person when they are starting work and when they finish;
b. Designated person checks if nothing has been heard from them within a selected time within a selected time;
c. Considerations to whether the task being conducted is suitable for lone working, and whether the person undertaking that task is suited to working alone.


Before undertaking any tour, the Club will
a. Complete relevant RFU forms;
b. Ensure comprehensive insurance is in place;
c. Consult the following RFU document ‐ “Organizing a Tour”.


The Club is cognisant of the recent Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat Belts) (Amendment) Regulations 2006, which came into force on 18th September 2006, and have made all relevant adults in the Club aware that these regulations state that;
a. Children travelling in cars are required to use an appropriate child restraint or adult seat belt;
b. Drivers are responsible for ensuring that children under 14 years of age are restrained in the correct manner;
c. Passengers aged over 14 are legally responsible for ensuring that they are wearing a seat belt.

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